Maka from the Intro

Soul Eater is a new anime of the spring 2008 season that started on April 7th and is produced by Bones, based on the manga by Atsushi Okubo.  This title was a delightful surprise for me on many levels and is definitely my #1 title for the season so far.  The story is about the two main characters Maka and Soul trying to collect 99 corrupted souls and one powerful witch soul, and the other teams trying to achieve the same goal.  Soul is actually a weapon, a person that can transform between a human form and a weapon form to reap souls and the like.  Maka is his Meister, a person that uses the weapon to reap souls so it can become the next Death Scythe, the personal weapon of Shinigami-sama who is the leader of their city as well as being the grim reaper.  Maka and Soul along with other Meister/weapon combos that join the cast attend a school where they must participate in normal school activities as well as keeping the world safe all the while trying to achieve the status as the next Death Scythe.  Episode review follows. Read more…